In this article

Introducing Branch Collaborators
At Avo, we believe data and analytics is a team sport. Being able to communicate effectively and efficiently with your team should be table stakes for all tools in your growth stack. That’s why we’re especially pleased to announce Branch Collaborators in Avo!
At Avo, we believe data and analytics is a team sport. Being able to communicate effectively and efficiently with your team should be table stakes for all tools in your growth stack. That’s why we’re especially pleased to announce Branch Collaborators in Avo!
You can now assign anyone from your team to collaborate on your branch, and have a living record of incremental updates. Branch collaborators will be notified of all discussions that happen on the branch and when the branch is merged or deleted. This unlocks seamless communication: your PM or Data Scientist can request and receive a peer review, a developer can implement relevant changes, and everyone is updated in real time.
A Better Way to Work Together
This is a major process improvement to existing analytics workflows. Does the following sound familiar to you?
You make a suggestion for an update to your “Button Click” event—there are new parameters you’d like to set. Then, you move into Slack and ask a Data Scientist to review. Then, your changes are reviewed, but you can’t tell what the original version looked like. No one else on the team is aware of these changes or the context; you and your Data Scientist had those conversations on Slack. Cross your fingers for no bugs or rollbacks! Then, you rinse and repeat with your engineer. Repeat again if there are further updates needed.
Exhausting, right? The system above practically forces teams into poor communication patterns. Not only does it create barriers to knowledge, but it also requires multiple tools and multiple iterations. One of our customers has reported that before Avo, a whopping 25% of their Jira tickets were simply overhead associated with this kind of communication. This is why we built Avo’s branches workflow in the first place – and this is why we’re so excited to release Branch Collaborators on Avo, to make smooth communication the default workflow for your team.
So In Summary:
Avo Branch Collaborators: Unlock seamless communication with your PM, Data Scientist and within the dev team to review the work and implement relevant changes – in real time.
What’s Next?
Get started in your Avo project today! Branch Collaborators is now live on all workspaces.
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